Bourbon Reviews:

Bottling NameTom Moore
Bottled ByBarton Brands, Ltd. Bardstown,KY
TypeKentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey
Alcohol content100 Proof
Availability US: Available Japan: Not Available Duty Free: Not Available Europe: Not Available
Views (since 20080612) 11726
Bottling InfoBottled in Bond

Review from TBoner (BourbonEnthusiast Review ID 1619, Created:20090703213802)
Purchased at:Dallas, TX
Purchased for:$19.99
Info on this bottle:Current 1.75L bottle
Nose:Sweet and thick: corn syrup and maple syrup. Some small grain action popping on the nose. Touch of alcohol. Rich and robust.
Taste:Big entry, fat with corn and caramel. Touches of maple and butterscotch. Rye spice and a bit of graininess intrude, then open up and become the heart of the whiskey. Some heat from the alcohol, but minimal enough to make me believe this whiskey is more than four years old or has a low barrel entry proof. Touches of leather and malty sweetness round it out.
Finish:Not a particularly long finish. Leather and sweet caramel compete, but only a little, and then the leather and some lingering alcohol heat win out.
Overall:The price for this whiskey is ridiculously low given its quality. It is a classic bourbon profile, with a bit less rye influence than Wild Turkey but all of the power and traditional flavor of that bourbon. I hope this is what goes into Tom Moore bottles for a long time to come, but I'm not counting on it.

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